How on earth are we supposed to understand the teaching taught by the Buddha, when the chaste and the unchaste are both reborn in exactly the same place in the next life?

AN 10.75. With Migasālā At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then Venerable Ānanda robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went to the home of the laywoman Migasālā, where he sat on the seat spread out. Then the laywoman Migasālā went up to Ānanda, bowed,… Continue reading How on earth are we supposed to understand the teaching taught by the Buddha, when the chaste and the unchaste are both reborn in exactly the same place in the next life?

Categorized as Afterlife

What Buddha Answered about why people are reborn in heaven or hell (2)

AN 2.17 Then the brahmin Jāṇussoṇi went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha: “What is the cause, Master Gotama, what is the reason why some sentient beings, when their body breaks up, after death,… Continue reading What Buddha Answered about why people are reborn in heaven or hell (2)

Categorized as Afterlife

What Buddha Answered about why people are reborn in heaven or hell

AN 2.16 Then a certain brahmin went up to the Buddha and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha: “What is the cause, Master Gotama, what is the reason why some sentient beings, when their body breaks up, after death,… Continue reading What Buddha Answered about why people are reborn in heaven or hell

Categorized as Afterlife

Buddha answered “Enough, chief, let it be. Don’t ask me that.”

SN 42.3. A Warrior Then Dustin the warrior chief went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and said to him: “Sir, I have heard that the warriors of the past who were teachers of teachers said: ‘Suppose a warrior, while striving and struggling in battle, is killed and finished off by his… Continue reading Buddha answered “Enough, chief, let it be. Don’t ask me that.”

Categorized as Afterlife

Since old age and death are advancing upon you, what would you do?

SN 3.25. The Simile of the Mountain At Sāvatthī. King Pasenadi of Kosala sat to one side, and the Buddha said to him, “So, great king, where are you coming from in the middle of the day?” “Sir, there are anointed aristocratic kings who are infatuated with authority, and obsessed with greed for sensual pleasures. They… Continue reading Since old age and death are advancing upon you, what would you do?

Categorized as Afterlife

Those who do bad go to hell, and if you do good you go to heaven.

SN 3.22. Grandmother At Sāvatthī. King Pasenadi of Kosala sat to one side, and the Buddha said to him, “So, great king, where are you coming from in the middle of the day?” “Sir, my grandmother has passed away. She was old, elderly and senior. She was advanced in years and had reached the final stage… Continue reading Those who do bad go to hell, and if you do good you go to heaven.

Categorized as Afterlife

How to Have a Good Death

AN 3.110. Fallen Seated to one side, the Buddha said to the householder Anāthapiṇḍika: “Householder, when the mind is fallen, bodily, verbal, and mental deeds are fallen. Someone whose deeds of body, speech, and mind are fallen will not have a good death. It’s like a bungalow with a bad roof. The roof peak, rafters, and walls… Continue reading How to Have a Good Death

Categorized as Aging

A wife like a killer, a wife like a thief, a wife like a lord, a wife like a mother, a wife like a sister, a wife like a friend, and a wife like a bondservant. These are the kinds of wife that a man can have. Which one of these are you?

AN 7.63. Kinds of Wives Then the Buddha robed up in the morning and, taking his bowl and robe, went to the home of the householder Anāthapiṇḍika, where he sat on the seat spread out. Now at that time people in Anāthapiṇḍika’s home were making a dreadful racket. Then the householder Anāthapiṇḍika went up to the… Continue reading A wife like a killer, a wife like a thief, a wife like a lord, a wife like a mother, a wife like a sister, a wife like a friend, and a wife like a bondservant. These are the kinds of wife that a man can have. Which one of these are you?

Categorized as Marriage