What do you want to learn ?
- What Buddha said about Wealth – When acquiring lavish wealth
- What Buddha said about Donation – The Analysis of Religious Donations
- What Buddha said about Motivation – One quality that benefits in this life and benefits in lives to come
- What is the reason, after death, reappear in a bad destination, hell? or a good destination, heaven?
- What Buddha Said about Speech – To Prince Abhaya
- What Buddha Said about Respect – To whom should one turn away from conceit?
- What Buddha Said about Eating – King Pasenadi Goes on a Diet / A Heavy Meal
- What Buddha Said about Parents – Mother & Father
- What Buddha Said about Children – Son who deserves praise
- Buddha answered questions about Women – Mallikādevī Sutta
- What Buddha said about Marriage – Living Together
- What Buddha said about Friends – Perseverance
- Buddha Answered Question about Aging & Death
- Buddha Answered Questions about Inequality – The Shorter Analysis of Action
- What Buddha said about 4 kinds of bliss that can be attained in the proper season, on the proper occasions, by a householder partaking of sensuality.
- What Buddha Said About Wish – Four Wishes, Four Things Lead to Acqusition of these things & Four meritorious deeds
- Niganthas People tried to refute Buddha Teaching about the most greatly blameworthy for the making of evil karma
- What Buddha Said About Four Kinds of Karma
- The Discourse to Sigala – Corrupt Deeds, Six Drains on Wealth, Gambling, Bad Friends, Laziness
- What Buddha said about Upekkha
- What Buddha Said About Wealth That’s Not Properly Put to Use, Goes to Waste and Not to Any Good Use.
- Heirless – Aputaka Sutta
- There are these five benefits that can be obtained from wealth. Which five?
- What Buddha said about Five Kinds of Wealth
- You can expect only growth, not decline, when you find five qualities in any gentleman. What Five?
- There are these five drawbacks and five benefits of riches. What five?
- There are these seven kinds of wealth. What seven?
- What Buddha Said about Ten Pleasure Seekers That Are Found in The World
- Buddha answered question on How one who is donating ensures the success of their religious donation.
- When they have become Angels, would there be any distinction or difference between them?
- it’s hard for ordinary people to know who is perfected or on the path to perfection
- Can you point out a fruit of giving that’s apparent in the present life?
- What Buddha said about donation regardless of whether a gift is coarse or refined
- Two Old Brahmans who have done no admirable deeds, no skillful deeds, no deeds that allay our fears
- Two Old Brahmans who have done no admirable deeds, no skillful deeds, no deeds that allay our fears (2)
- Buddha said about What Should and Should Not Be Cultivated
- Who are dear to themselves, and who are not dear to themselves?
- Who have themselves protected, and who leave themselves unprotected?
- Would that man—because of the prayers, praise, & circumambulation of that great crowd of people—at the break-up of the body, after death, reappear in a good destination, a heavenly world?”
- When the mind is unprotected, deeds of body, speech, and mind are unprotected
- “Master Gotama, what is the near shore? And what is the far shore?”
- “Sir, I believe in the purity advocated by the western brahmins draped with moss who carry pitchers, serve the sacred flame, and immerse themselves in water.”
- What Buddha Said About Termination of Karma that has been Done and Accumulated
- What Buddha said on What is Heard
- Because of this service to mother and father, the wise praise one in this world and after death one rejoices in heaven.
- Because they look after their parents like this, they’re praised in this life by the astute, and they depart to rejoice in heaven.
- What Buddha said about A Daughter
- How many qualities should a woman possess so that, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in Heaven”
- Possessing four qualities, a woman is heading for victory in the present world and her life in this world succeeds. What four?
- What Buddha said about The Same in Living
- What Should Women Train Themselves ?
- A wife like a killer, a wife like a thief, a wife like a lord, a wife like a mother, a wife like a sister, a wife like a friend, and a wife like a bondservant. These are the kinds of wife that a man can have. Which one of these are you?
- How to Have a Good Death
- Those who do bad go to hell, and if you do good you go to heaven.
- Since old age and death are advancing upon you, what would you do?
- How a human being achieved status Lord of the Angels?
- Buddha answered “Enough, chief, let it be. Don’t ask me that.”
- What Buddha Answered about why people are reborn in heaven or hell
- What Buddha Answered about why people are reborn in heaven or hell (2)
- How on earth are we supposed to understand the teaching taught by the Buddha, when the chaste and the unchaste are both reborn in exactly the same place in the next life?
- “Bhikkhus, when a good person is born in a family, it is for the good, welfare, and happiness of many people.”
- Four things lead to the welfare and happiness of a gentleman in this life. What four?
- If these five things that are wished for, desired, agreeable, and rarely gained in the world could be obtained by means of prayers or aspirations, who here would be lacking in anything?
- Five situations that are unobtainable by an ascetic or a brahmin, by a deva, Māra, or Brahmā, or by anyone in the world.
- Five situations that are unobtainable by an ascetic or a brahmin, by a deva, Māra, or Brahmā, or by anyone in the world.(2)
- “I declare these four kinds of deeds, having realized them with my own insight. What four?”
- Akkosa Sutra / The Abuser
- Asurindaka Sutra / With Bharadvāja the Fiend
- What is the explanation of the Dhamma that’s relevant to oneself?
- What does Master Gotama teach? What does he explain?