What does Master Gotama teach? What does he explain?

AN 2.34 Then a certain brahmin went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha, “What does Master Gotama teach? What does he explain?” “Brahmin, I teach action and inaction.” “But in what way does Master… Continue reading What does Master Gotama teach? What does he explain?

Categorized as Diligence

Two Old Brahmans who have done no admirable deeds, no skillful deeds, no deeds that allay our fears (2)

Two People (2)Dvejana Sutta  (AN 3:52) On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then two brahmans—feeble old men, aged, advanced in years, having come to the last stage of life, 120 years old—went to the Blessed One. On arrival, they exchanged courteous greetings with him and, after an exchange… Continue reading Two Old Brahmans who have done no admirable deeds, no skillful deeds, no deeds that allay our fears (2)

Categorized as Diligence

Two Old Brahmans who have done no admirable deeds, no skillful deeds, no deeds that allay our fears

Two People (1)Dvejana Sutta  (AN 3:51) On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then two brahmans—feeble old men, aged, advanced in years, having come to the last stage of life, 120 years old—went to the Blessed One. On arrival, they exchanged courteous greetings with him and, after an exchange… Continue reading Two Old Brahmans who have done no admirable deeds, no skillful deeds, no deeds that allay our fears

Categorized as Diligence

What Buddha said about Motivation – One quality that benefits in this life and benefits in lives to come

HeedfulnessAppamāda Sutta  (SN 3:17) Near Sāvatthī. As he was sitting to one side, King Pasenadi Kosala said to the Blessed One: “Is there, lord, any one quality that keeps both kinds of benefits secure—benefits in this life & benefits in lives to come?” “There is one quality, great king, that keeps both kinds of benefits secure—… Continue reading What Buddha said about Motivation – One quality that benefits in this life and benefits in lives to come

Categorized as Diligence